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The Wałbrzych zone’s new office in Bolesławiec

Companies functioning in the Bolesławiec subzone of the WSEZ have so far invested almost 220 million zlotys and created more than 500 jobs. Potential investors in the subzone can still use 54 ha of land offering tax exemptions. The Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” has now decided to open a branch office in Bolesławiec.

“The opening of the office is another step confirming that the zone has settled in Bolesławiec for good. The production floor constructed by the zone, where the office is situated, is already being used by entrepreneurs. We are thinking about building more such facilities in the region. We are currently considering the potential locations,” said Deputy Minister of Economy Ilona Antoniszyn-Klik during the opening ceremony.

Bolesławiec is one of the largest and most dynamically growing subzones of the WSEZ. It lies just four kilometers from the A4 interchange. This area is also closest to the German border of all the WSEZ locations. A new company invests in the subzone and generates jobs here almost each year.

“Our task is to create the right conditions for entrepreneurs,” said Kornel Filipowicz, Deputy Mayor of Bolesławiec, during the ceremony. “We use instruments such as the Innovative Economy Program, or the special economic zones. Each new investor promotes Bolesławiec, which makes it easier to attract more entrepreneurs who create jobs.”

There are currently eight companies operating in the Bolesławiec subzone of the WSEZ. Half of them represent the automotive industry: Hoerbiger, SRG Global, Kegger, and Turningtec. Sacher specializes in metal processing. The electronic industry is represented by Elektros while logistics – by Vilsait. The newest investor is the Dutch company Favorite Gifts Print Europe, which produces gadgets and advertising materials. It will now render printing services in Bolesławiec.

Launching the WSEZ’s new office will make attracting investors and communicating with the local self-government even more efficient. It will also address the needs of firms that are already functioning here. It is the fifth branch office of the WSEZ, after Wrocław, Opole, Kłodzko, and Września.

“Special economic zones have become a driver of growth. There are almost 180 firm operating just in the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone, which have invested almost 20 billion zlotys and created 41,000 jobs,” emphasized Teodor Stępa, Deputy President of the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK”.

The Wałbrzych zone covers areas in 48 subzones of south-western Poland. It functions in four provinces: Dolnośląskie, Opolskie, Lubuskie, and Wielkopolskie. It is the largest of the fourteen special economic zones functioning in Poland.

Podczas otwarcia biura miało miejsce symboliczne przecięcie wstęgi. Od lewej: Ewa Sondaj - radna powiatu bolesławieckiego ,Teodor Stępa - wiceprezes strefy, Marian Haniszewski - wicestarosta powiatu bolesławieckiego, Ilona Antoniszyn-Klik - wiceminister gospodarki, Kornel Filipowicz - zastępca prezydenta Bolesławca, Jan Cołokidzi - prezes Kopalni Piaskowca Jan Zbylutów IV.

The ribbon was symbolically cut during the opening ceremony



ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
Tel. 74 664 91 64
Strona www: invest-park.com.pl

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  • pn. - pt. 08:00 - 16:00
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