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An opportunity for local business

The possibility of receiving tax exemptions, the support of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone and other benefits offered to investors by gminas, labor centers and utilities providers – these were the issues presented to entrepreneurs during a meeting in Syców. The event was attended by minister Beata Kempa, Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. The meeting was organised by the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone and the gmina of Syców.

WSSE - Sycow Spotkanie z Przedsiebiorcami (6)

Although special economic zones are usually associated with the functioning of large international corporations, this instrument undoubtedly offers an opportunity for local business to develop as well. Almost half of the 190 companies operating within the Wałbrzych zone represents medium-sized, small and micro enterprises. Around a third of the investors use Polish capital. Among the factors attracting SMEs to the zones are higher tax exemptions (the smaller the company, the higher tax break it may receive).

“One of the main obstacles to attracting new investors to the zone is their lack of knowledge about the benefits arising from functioning in its territory, or fear of procedures and other formalities. We intend to remove this obstacle by organising meetings like this one. We show what entrepreneurs can gain and we assure them that our experts will guide them through the whole procedure as well as look after them after the investment has begun,” explains Maciej Badora, President of the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK”.

“The best solution is to convince domestic firms to develop within the zones alongside foreign investors. If we add to this the concept of dual education, which is being introduced right now and which will transform vocational training, what emerges is a path to very stable growth. We all want young people to have an opportunity to remain in their hometowns, have good career prospects and satisfying jobs,” Mrs. Kempa emphasised during the conference.

In 2006 almost 10 ha of land situated in the gmina of Syców was covered by the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK”. In 2014, LOG-TECH, a manufacturer of metal constructions for the automotive industry, decided to erect a facility here. This year, the Polish company will begin the construction of a production floor and an office building in this area.

“We are planning to construct another two facilities and increase the number of employees to around 200 people,” Roman Nowaczyk, President of LOG-TECH Konstrukcje, said during the meeting. “Joining the Wałbrzych zone has been very helpful because it has opened the doors for us to establish relations with big partners. Our functioning within the zone translates into our perception as a serious business partner,” Mr. Nowaczyk added.

The WSEZ has almost 9 ha of land available to investors in Syców, in direct proximity to expressway S8. The zone has built an internal road in the subzone, which links the plots, while the gmina has provided the water and sewage system.

“Although we are in Lower Silesia, we are situated close to the border with Wielkopolskie and Opolskie provinces and, thanks to the S8, the Łódź region is easily accessible, too. After the expressway was finished, the commute to Wrocław is much quicker and we can better use the potential offered by this city. All of it makes the plots in Syców very attractive to local and external investors,” emphasised Sławomir Kapica, mayor of the town and gmina of Syców.

During the meeting, company representatives could find out more about conducting business in the zone. They learned about the available plots of land, tax exemptions and additional forms of support offered to investors, including participation in free workshops, training, industry-specific meetings, trade fairs and conferences. The zone also offers the possibility of joining a bulk-purchase group, which decreases the cost of buying utilities, as well as support in finding qualified employees and reliable business partners.

The Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” covers 3,000 ha of land in south-western Poland. There is almost 1,300 ha of land available to investors in 48 subzones. So far, 190 companies have invested in the zone, incurring almost 22 billion zlotys of capital expenditure and employing more than 44,000 people.


ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
Tel. 74 664 91 64
Strona www: invest-park.com.pl

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