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A visit to China

Meetings with local governments, regional authorities and entrepreneurs, creating a partnership between the cities of Wałbrzych and Tienjin – these are the main goals of a study visit that will start next week in China.

In May 2014 Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” hosted a delegation from China and now there will be a visit to our Asian partners. The last year’s visit was a part of a project co-financed with the funds from the European Commission. Its goal is the development of cooperation in selected regions of European Union and China.

Also in November a Euro-Chinese seminar on regional policies took place, in which WSEZ’s, Wałbrzych’s and Świdnica’s representatives took part. The activity was organized in the city Chengdu in China and was an occasion to present the Dolnośląskie province region and also the investment offer of Wałbrzychs Special Economic Zone.

The January mission with the participation of INVEST-PARK’s President Barbara Kaśnikowska, the Dolnośląskie province vice-marshal, the presidents of Wałbrzych and Świdnica and representatives of entrepreneurs operating on the territory of WSEZ is aimed to gain business contacts, find possibilities of economic cooperation and to sign the agreement between the city Tienjin – Wuqing district in People’s Republic of China and the city of Wałbrzych. The delegation will visit also manufacturing facilities functioning on the territories of industrial zones in China.

In Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone Among among Asian investments automotive industry is dominative. Currently 17 companies with Asian capital operate on WSEZ’s territories: Japanese (12 companies), Korean (4 companies) and Indian (1 company). In total these entrepreneurs invested over 5,3 Billion PLN and hired over 4,5 thousand people.


ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
Tel. 74 664 91 64
Strona www: invest-park.com.pl

Godziny otwarcia

  • pn. - pt. 08:00 - 16:00
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