The creation of Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone’s Education Cluster “INVEST in EDU” and awarding the cooperating schools and entrepreneurs will be the main goals of upcoming conference in Bolesławiec. Participating in the meeting will be amongst others: Joanna Kluzik – Rostkowska, The Minister of Education, Ilona Antoniszyn – Klik, Vice-minister of Economy and presidents of three special economic zones.
The Education Cluster “INVEST in EDU” will be brought to life by nearly 60 entities. Among them there will be companies, county authorities and vocational schools mostly from Dolnośląskie province. Its main objective will be to adapt the education processes to the needs of entrepreneurs. The Education Cluster will also promote vocational education, it will help to predict the needs for specific abilities and to make trainings, probations and practices more available. The overriding goal is the creation of a dual system in which theoretical classes will take place at schools and the practical ones will be conducted in specific workplaces. The key to success is the cooperation between schools, entrepreneurs and proper resorts. With the initiative of The Ministry of Economy an agreement was made in the sphere of vocational education between The Ministry of Education, The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and The Ministry of State Treasures.
During the conference in Bolesławiec entrepreneurs and vocational schools will be rewarded for their good practices. They will receive diplomas and statues from The Ministry of Economy. Teachers and students from these schools will also be rewarded by three special economic zones: from Wałbrzych, Legnica and Kamienna Góra.
Ilona Antoniszyn – Klik, Joanna Kluzik – Rostkowska and Zbigniew Ładziński, president of Dolnośląska Izba Rzemieślnicza (Crafts Board of Dolnośląskie Province) will discuss solutions of adapting vocational education to the needs of economy. Positive examples of cooperation between schools and entrepreneurs will be presented by companies operating in Wałbrzych’s Zone and the Board of Schools Complex number 5 in Wałbrzych.
The conference „Mądrzej. Czyli jak uczyć i szkolić dla gospodarki” (“Wiser. How to teach and train for economy”) will take place on the 9th of February in The Culture Centre in Bolesławiec. The meeting will start at 10.00.

With the initiative of The Ministry of Economy an agreement was made in the sphere of vocational education between The Ministry of Education, The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and The Ministry of State Treasures. On the picture from the left: Vice-minister of Labour and Social Policy Jacek Męcina, Minister of Education Joanna Kluzik-Rostkowska, Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economy Janusz Piechociński, Vice-minister of State Treasures Rafał Baniak and Vice-minister of Economy Ilona Antoniszyn – Klik