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New manager of “INVEST-PARK” in Opole

Close cooperation with local governments and the Center of Economic Development in Opole, commitment in the progression of two main branches of industry in the Province – these are the priorities of Kamil Goździk, the new manager of Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” in Opole. He believes that this way he can attract new investors to the region and convince the ones already here to reinvest. This will give the region new jobs.

Kamil Goździk  - Manager of WSEZ in Opole

Kamil Goździk came in place of Grzegorz Sawicki – the current Vice- marshal of Opolskie Province. He has a 10 year experience of working in Agricultural Property Agency (APA) where he first worked as a data evidence specialist and ended up as the assistant manager running the lands sale.

By working in Agricultural Property Agency as a manager responsible for promotion of lands and by participating in the “Proffesional Investor’s Service” Project I gained experience in contacts with entrepreneurs. I met the local legal representatives and institutions active in field of developing the region. I am planning to continue that cooperation to properly use the potential of the Opele region. – says Kamil Goździk.

The manager is also very familiar with the territories of Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone.

I was born in Nysa, I leaved in Otmuchów, I studied in Opole and I am also professionally connected with it. So you might say that I know the region like my own pocket – he admits.

Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone covers over 1200 acres of land in Opolskie Provicne. Over half of this land is still in disposition for future investors. The Ministry received an application to incorporate additional 270 acres in Dąbrowa. Gmina Głubczyce is also applying to be incorporated into the zone.

In the last years we can observe the return of Opole’s region primary branch of industry – the agri-food processing industry. The automotive branch is also developing very dynamically. The proximity of Czech border and good highway connection with Germany make this region even more attractive for investors. The opening of the Science & Technology Park gives also the opportunity for innovative industries – Counts out Kami Goździk.

The tax exemptions for entrepreneurs an the atutes of the Province can soon bring new investors.
The Office Agency in Opole is placed on Horoszkiewcza street 6.


ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
Tel. 74 664 91 64
Strona www: invest-park.com.pl

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