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Awards for WSEZ localizations

Seven Cities, in which Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone operates – Wrocław, Kobierzyce, Świdnica, Opole, Oława, Wałbrzych and Śrem were highly rated in the first Polish Cities of the Future 2015/16 competition.
A high position of cities in which Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone operates is an outcome not only of good localization and improved investments lands, but also good conditions to run a business and proper activities of local governments in the field of economic development.
FDi Magazine created the Polish Cities of the Future ranking which shows strong sides of cities. It considers economic, business and financial aspects.
Polish Cities proved their attractiveness for direct foreign investments and they are competitive not only on a regional level but also in the global scale. That is why the time has come to compare them with each other and to measure their potential in the dynamically developing Poland.
The cities were evaluated in six categories: economic potential, human resources, infrastructure and communication, friendly surrounding, cost optimization and the strategy of attracting investments.
Up to this day only in China cities were evaluated in this way because fDi Magazine focuses on concrete regions eg. in Europe or Asia. In the general category Warsaw was titled as the city of the future 2015/16.


ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
Tel. 74 664 91 64
Strona www: invest-park.com.pl

Godziny otwarcia

  • pn. - pt. 08:00 - 16:00
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