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A road of great opportunities

– Let’s not wait till the S3 road will be built as we perfectly know what will happen in 2018. Besides the official celebration and launching of a communication trail we will open new possibilities for business. Our task is then to make the entrepreneurs want to invest in these territories – explaines Ilona Antoniszyn – Klik, the Vice-minister of Economy. The resort, special economic zone’s boards and representative of local governments and institutions signed an agreement to create an area of investment activities in places where the S3 expressway will be built.

Good communication is one of the main factors to consider when locating an investment. The building of S3 expressway is supposed to be finished in 2018. The trail will go from Szczecin to the border crossing in Lubawka in the south of the country. 470-kilomiter section will join the international road E65 from Switzerland to Greece. The creation of an investment activity area is supposed to strengthen the attractiveness of the lands in the nearest settlements of the future road. The Ministry’s project assumes activities in the infrastructural area but also in social and educational ones.

Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone has experience in the creation of an investing atmosphere. The company amongst others prepares the infrastructure in Wrzesnia’s Zone of Economic Activity.

– Last year we also built 4 industrial halls for small and medium enterprises – adds Barbara Kaśnikowska, the President of WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” – We run courses of the representatives of companies operating in the zone, we create purchase groups which decrease the total costs. We are active in the field of adapting education to the needs of the market what gave the outcome of creating the education cluster of Wałbrzych’s Zone – names out the head of the company.

The agreement in the topic of S3 was signed in Głowów. It was signed by prepresentatives of the Ministry of Economy, Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency, Agricultural Property Agency, General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways and heads of five economic zones: Wałbrzych, Legnica, Kostrzyn-Słubice, Pomorska and Kamiennogórska.


ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
Tel. 74 664 91 64
Strona www: invest-park.com.pl

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