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A play with humour and a higher cause

About two thousand meals for children will be funded from the income of the play “A Little Bit Too Red Riding Hood”. The funds were passed on to the activity organised by Toyota Factory in Wałbrzych with the cooperation of Mercury Foundation. Instead of professional actors on stage we could see people connected to Wałbrzych’s political scene, media and business. Amongst them you could find Barbara Kaśnikowska, the President of Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone.

“A Little Bit Too Red Riding Hood” is a loose adaptation of a famous tale of the Grimm Brothers. The author of the comic script (not really directed to children) was Martyna Majewska. The play in a form of scenic reading was performed by known Wałbrzych personalities:

  • “A Little Bit Too Red Riding Hood” – Agnieszka Kołacz Leszczyńska, Member of Parliament
  • „A Little Bit too Knocking Out Hunter” – Roman Szełemej, The President of Wałbrzycha
  • „The Totaly Unrealed Wolf” – Krzysztof Brosig, The president of Ronal company
  • „The Too beautiful Mom” – Barbara Kaśnikowska, President of WSEZ „INVEST-PARK”
  • „The too young Grandmother” – Sylwia Królikowska, Chief Editor of „Panorama Wałbrzyska”
  • „The Obscene Basket of Goodies” – Jerzy Gajos, Director of ZUS in Wałbrzych
  • „Not Really Involved Reporter” – Barbara Szeligowska, Redactor of Radio Wrocław
  • „The Impudent Forest Fairy” – Dorota Barańska, the owner of “Maria” hotel and restaurant
  • „The Too Casual Narrator” – Rafał Pawłowski, Chief Editor of „wiadomosciwalbrzyskie.pl”
  • „The Unexpectedly Speaking Forest”: Andrzej Warzecha, President of Wałbrzyskie Zakłady Koksownicze „Victoria”; Wiesław Kilian, Member of Parliament; Dariusz Mikołajczak, Vice-president of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland

The play was performed in Teatr Lalki i Aktora in Wałbrzych (The theatre of puppet and actor in Wałbrzych). The audience was filled with 180 guests. The event supported the action “Syta Zima” due to which this year 8000 meals for children were funded. The income from the play will allow to feed additional 2000 kids. The project was conducted by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland and Merkury Foundation from Wałbrzych.


ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
Tel. 74 664 91 64
Strona www: invest-park.com.pl

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