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Well-known women experts

Women are invited to news programs three times less often than man, according to a research study “Women’s image on TV news programs.” This week has been named “Well-known Women Experts’ Week” by Headlines Porter Novelli, an organization that wants to emphasize the presence of women in the public debate and the media. As part of the campaign, a database of Polish women specialists has been created, which includes Barbara Kaśnikowska, President of WSSE “INVEST-PARK”.

According to global findings, women account for 19% of spokespersons and 20% of experts. In Polish news programs, only 24% of the guests are women. They are usually invited to debates on social and moral issues. The research also shows that women experts are often better prepared than men – their approach is more analytical, they are more practical and more emotionally involved. Unlike men, who are focused on competition, women are more consensus-oriented.

“Well-known Women Experts” is a campaign intended to increase the participation of women in strategic economic conferences, TV news and current affairs programs, especially those concerning the economy.

One of the main elements of the campaign is an interactive database of women experts that can be used free of charge by news programs producers, journalists and conference organizers to access a comprehensive list of specialists in various scientific, administrative and economic fields. WSSE “INVEST-PARK” President Barbara Kaśnikowska is also included in this prestigious circle. She is an expert on business and economic issues and a specialist in using EU funds.

The interactive database of Polish women specialists is available at www.znaneekspertki.pl

Tydzień Znanych Ekspertek w mediach


ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
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