The cluster has been established in order to combine the economic, educational and scientific potential to adapt vocational training to the needs of the economy and local job markets. The letter of intent was signed in Bolesławiec on 9 February, 2015. The first meeting of the leaders and activists belonging to the cluster was held at the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” seat in Wałbrzych on 29 April.
Forty people participating in the meeting (representatives of companies investing in the Zone, local authorities and educational institutions) unanimously chose Piotr Krzywda, Head of School Complex no. 5 in Wałbrzych, to perform the role of the chairperson.
The members also outlined the most important activities of the Cluster, including the adaptation of the curricula to the needs of the labor market, the promotion of vocational and technical education among young people and their parents, the creation of company-sponsored classes, and increasing the availability of vocational practice and apprenticeships.
During special presentations, the member of the Cluster could receive information about company-sponsored classes that are about to be created by SEGEPO-REFA (15 students will train to become cutting tool operators) and by GKN Driveline (also 15 students training to gain the same qualification).
The WSEZ was actively involved in promoting this project by preparing posters and leaflets. We are planning to hold an open doors event and give presentations to youths.
Moreover, a film promoting vocational education is being prepared. Several schools are involved in its production, in particular School Complex no. 5 in Wałbrzych, Secondary Schools Complex in Oleśnica, the “Energetyk” Complex of Polytechnic Schools, the Jan III Sobieski Complex of Construction and Electrical Schools, and School Complex in Strzegom. The shooting will start at the beginning of May, preceded by casting among the students.
In October 2015, a vocational education fair for youths will be held. Among the exhibitors will be entrepreneurs announcing what specialists they are planning to recruit as well as schools providing information about the specializations that are in high demand in the labor market.
The idea of the Cluster has been very well received. The number of institutions wishing to cooperate with the Educational Cluster on future projects is constantly growing.