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Football contest in Bolesławiec

The “Demo” football team from Bolesławiec won the First WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Indoor Football Tournament, which was held in Bolesławiec on 4 October, 2015.

The Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” is appreciated not just for its efficiency in attracting investors but also for the regular cooperation on many levels with firms that are already doing business in its territory. The HR Club, training sessions and conferences for the investors, the Educational Cluster, the Zone Picnic, sports competitions – these are but a few of the initiatives.

“We do our best to make the investors feel good here, to assure them that they can count on our support after they have launched their ventures. Cooperation is the keyword, both in the contact between the zone and the firms, and among the partners. Meetings such as today’s help to get to know each other and build good relationships,” said Tomasz Jakacki, Deputy President of the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK”.

“Of course, the zone is very important to us. I am glad to see that our cooperation also extends to other, non-economic spheres of life,” added Piotr Roman, Mayor of Bolesławiec and co-organizer of the tournament.

Five teams participated in the rivalry for the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” President’s Cup. The competition was close and very ambitious.

“The competitors’ level was very high. It was good, tough play, and every player clearly showed the best of his abilities. The result was decided in the very last matches,” said Damian Sawczak, the manager of the “Football Academy” school, who supervised the tournament.

Everything became clear after ten matches. The fifth place went to Turningtec Polska, the fourth – to the team of the Municipal Services Department, the third – to the representatives of SRG Global. The runner-up was UKS “Kusy”, and the winner – “Demo” from Bolesławiec.

“We are a group of friends who like playing football. We practice two or three times a week, we take part in competitions. This tournament was a good idea because we not only had fun playing, but we also helped by raising money for the Children’s Home in Bolesławiec,” said Mariusz Bińczycki, the best player in the winning team.

A check for the amount of 1,000 zlotys, which was sponsored by the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK”, was received by sister Marzena Pomian, Director of the Children’s Home in Bolesławiec. The donation was enthusiastically received by the children, who are already planning to buy new basketballs and sports outfits.

The WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” has long supported non-profit organizations that carry out initiatives propagating sport and education among children and teenagers. So far, 90,000 zlotys has been spent to support these initiatives.

“Special economic zones influence economic development, and consequently – the social development of the regions where they function. In order to be perceived as a good and wanted neighbor, they become involved in the life of the local communities. This tournament proves it, too. The atmosphere was great, the players did their best, and making children smile is worth any amount of money,” said Ilona Antoniszyn-Klik, Deputy Minister of Economy.

The best goalkeeper of the tournament was Krzysztof Jakubczyk of UKS “Kusy”, who let in just one goal. Rafał Zawrotniak of SRG Global was the top scorer with four goals.


ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
Tel. 74 664 91 64
Strona www: invest-park.com.pl

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