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Entrepreneurs involved in vocational education

Two classes sponsored by companies functioning within the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” will be launched in September. Students at the Center for Vocational and Continuing Education in Strzelin will train to become mechanical technicians, while those at the Upper-Secondary School Complex no. 1 in Kłodzko will learn the profession of tailor (fabric cutter) / upholsterer.

The students learning to become mechanical technicians will be sponsored by the Strzelin-based company Lowara Vogel Polska. The school and the company have undertaken to jointly carry out actions aimed to develop vocational education (organizing classes for students, tours of the facility, professional meetings, Days of Technicians) and implement the newest technologies. Lowara Vogel Polska will also provide the Technical and Vocational School with information about job openings for graduates, traineeships and additional classes for students.

The letter of intent was signed by Robert Kozuń, Head of the Center for Vocational and Continuing Education in Strzelin; Paolo Bortolotto, Director of Lowara Vogel Polska; Marek Warcholiński, Starost of the Strzelin County, in the presence of Dorota Pawnuk, Mayor of the City and Commune of Strzelin; Iwona Engel, Director of the County Labor Office in Strzelin; and Tomasz Jakacki, Deputy President of the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK”.
The tailor/upholsterer class will be sponsored by KPM Meble, a furniture manufacturer from Kłodzko. Beginning in September 2016, this year’s middle school graduates will be given an opportunity to start their education at the facility where they will have access to highly qualified vocational teachers. They will also receive meals on the spot, and the best students – scholarships and awards.

The agreement was signed by head of the school Rafał Olech and Edyta Senator, who represented the company. It was witnessed by Deputy Starost Małgorzata Jędrzejewska-Skrzypczyk and representatives of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone – Deputy President Teodor Stępa and Grażyna Cal.

These are another two classes that will be sponsored by companies functioning in the zone that are simultaneously members of the “INVEST in EDU” Educational Cluster, which was set up by the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone. In the 2015/2016 school year, two classes teaching the profession of cutting tool operators were launched. They are sponsored by Segepo-Refa from Świebodzice (School Complex no. 5 in Wałbrzych) and GKN Driveline (Upper-Secondary School Complex in Oleśnica). The classes are intended to increase the availability of traineeships and apprenticeships, and consequently offer the possibility of hiring the graduates. The students will also have an opportunity of undergoing paid apprenticeships during the summer holidays, receive free course books and protective clothing.

The “INVEST in EDU” Educational Cluster was established in February 2015. It currently groups 76 entities, including companies, educational institutions, self-government units and other institutions. The main task of the Cluster is to forecast the demand for concrete professions, adapt education to the needs of entrepreneurs and increase the availability of traineeships and apprenticeships.


ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
Tel. 74 664 91 64
Strona www: invest-park.com.pl

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