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The zone is building a production floor for entrepreneurs

Another production floor built by the Wałbrzych zone is about to be made available for lease by investors. The facility, with a floor area of 5,600 m2, is being constructed in Dzierżoniów. The Board of the zone is hoping that it will attract new investors, who will generate more jobs in the town.

Hala Dzierzoniow - wizualizacja2
The production floor is being constructed in Strefowa Street. The manufacturing area, which covers 5,000 m2, can be divided into four separate modules and adapted to meet the investors’ needs. The building will be lit with LED lamps and equipped with a crane with a load-bearing capacity of 10 tons. An office building with a floor area of 600 m2 will be constructed next to the production floor, alongside loading ramps and a parking lot for 50 passenger cars.

“This is an attractive offer for large as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. They will not have to construct a factory from scratch, but only equip an existing facility with their technological lines,” explains Barbara Kaśnikowska, President of the Wałbrzych zone. “This solution decreases the starting cost of an investment and considerably shortens the time needed to launch production. The production floor is situated within an area covered by the special economic zone, which means that the entrepreneurs will be eligible for income tax exemptions,” Mrs. Kaśnikowska adds.

Tax exemptions in Dolnośląskie Province amount to between 25% and 45% of capital expenditure, depending on the size of the enterprise (the smaller the company, the higher the exemption). Seventeen companies have already invested in the Dzierżoniów subzone of the WSEZ.

“The investors include both large corporations and small and medium-sized firms with Polish and foreign capital. These entrepreneurs have created almost 2,300 jobs and invested around 750 million zlotys. We hope that the production floor will attract new companies to Dzierżoniów, and they will take on new employees,” says Tomasz Jakacki, Deputy President of the Wałbrzych zone.

In 2014, the WSEZ built four production floors: in Bolesławiec, Wałbrzych, Kłodzko and Nowa Ruda. All of them are being used by investors. Currently, another three such facilities are being built in Września, Twardogóra and Dzierżoniów. The construction of the last-mentioned one is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of this year. In Dzierżoniów, there are about 35 ha of land covered by the Wałbrzych zone that is still available to investors.

Hala Dzierzoniow - stan obecny

Hala Dzierzoniow - wizualizacja1



ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
Tel. 74 664 91 64
Strona www: invest-park.com.pl

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