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New jobs in the Wałbrzych zone

Over 400 jobs will be generated by 16 entrepreneurs who have decided to invest in the Wałbrzych zone in the first half-year of 2016. The ceremony of granting the permits to conduct business activity, accompanied by an official banquet, was held at the Książ Castle. The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Development Tadeusz Kościński, Lower Silesian authorities and representatives of self-governments.

“We want the Polish economy not to be oriented at cheap production, but to enter the phase of innovativeness. It makes us happy that the new investment projects to be carried out in the Wałbrzych zone are also connected with the new technologies,” emphasised Mr. Kościński, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Development.

During the gala, entrepreneurs were presented with the permits to conduct business activity in the Wałbrzych zone by Mr. Kościński, President of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone Maciej Badora, and Deputy President Michał Szukała.

Eleven out of sixteen permits are connected with investments in Dolnośląskie Province. The Wałbrzych zone covers 2,060 ha of land in 26 subzones in this province; almost half of it remains at the disposal of entrepreneurs.

“I am convinced that you have decided to d business in one of the most attractive destinations in Europe,” Kamil Zieliński, Deputy Governor of Dolnośląskie Province, told the entrepreneurs attending the event. “The presence of central government representatives at this ceremony means that we will do our best to help you to constantly develop,” he added.

Two new investment projects will be carried out in the Wrocław subzone. There are currently 17 tenants functioning there, who have incurred PLN 1.8 billion of capital expenditure and employ over 8,300 people.

In Wrocław, BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego, a manufacturer of home appliances, will expand its facility. At a cost of PLN 76 million, the company will increase the number of employees by at least 150 people. It has already been the second permit received by the German producer; the company’s total capital expenditure has exceeded PLN 152 million and it employs 450 people.

The second permit to conduct business activity was also issued to HSV Polska, a Dutch company planning to expand its facility in order to increase production volumes. The plant produces packaging, technical components and Styrofoam insulation of domestic appliances. At least five jobs will be generated as a result of the expansion, while the cost of the project will exceed PLN 1 million.

In Dzierżoniów, BROEN S.A. will carry out another investment project intended to expand its production floor. The new plant will increase the production volumes of valves used in heating, air conditioning, gas and other industrial installations. The cost of the investment will exceed PLN 12 million and 10 new employees will be taken on.

“I am an inhabitant of Dzierżoniów and a local patriot. We have decided to invest in the town again in order to make it more difficult for our shareholders to leave it,” jokingly said Ryszard Krzyśków, President of the Board.

In Bielawa, Jamtex will erect a facility for production of bed linen, tablecloths, towels and curtains. The Polish company will employ at least 25 people and incur capital expenditure exceeding PLN 2 million.

Two investments will be carried out in Kłodzko. Wessel-Poliamid will construct a factory producing components for vacuum cleaners, especially nozzles and pipes. The Polish-German firm will invest over PLN 25 million and generate minimum 100 jobs.

“I believe it won’t be our last word and last permit to operate in the zone,” said Marcin Depczyk, President of the Board.

Also in Kłodzko, a new plant will be built by TechPlast, a Polish producer of plastic elements used in the home appliance industry. The microcompany will employ at least 10 people and invest more than PLN 4.5 million.

The PCC Group, which has five subsidiaries in Brzeg Dolny, has decided to start another investment project. PCC Exol, a producer of substances used in home and cosmetic chemicals, will expand its facility in order to increase production volumes. The investment is estimated to cost over PLN 15 million, and eight new employees will be hired.

The Polish company Pebek will build a plant in Świdnica, where at least eight people will be employed. The factory will produce paving blocks, concrete slabs and tiles. The cost of the investment will exceed PLN 5.4 million.

Elektros will expand the existing facility in Bolesławiec. The new project is connected with the construction of a new production floor where electrical appliances will be made. The company will also offer warehousing services. The investment will cost PLN 2.5 million and lead to the creation of five new jobs.

The Italian company Inoxveneta, which provides metal processing services, will conduct another investment project at a cost of PLN 4.3 million. Five new employees will be employed at the new production floor.

“We have decided to reinvest here because we feel good in the Strzelin subzone. We are counting on future growth and innovative solutions,” Bartosz Dreszer, Key Account Manager at Inoxveneta, emphasised during the ceremony.

GKN Driveline, a British company owning two plants in Oleśnica, has decided to carry out a third project. The company will spend PLN 138 million to expand its factory and purchase production lines. The plant produces innovative driveline components. At present, almost 1,000 employees work for the company.

Four new investments will be carried out in the WSEZ territories in Opolskie Province. The Italian company Moretto will expand its facility in Prudnik and increase production volumes. The cost of the investment includes the purchase of machines and installations to be used in the production of components for ventilation hoods and pumps used in the home appliances industry as well as components for the automotive industry. The entrepreneur has declared a willingness to invest at least PLN 3.7 million and employ 11 new workers.

ALSECCO has decided to conduct its fourth investment project in Nysa. The Polish manufacturer of window and door frames is going to expand the existing facility. The company will invest PLN 9 million, and thanks to it at least 15 people will find jobs at the factory.

“I have been observing Alsecco for almost 20 years,” said Marek Rymarz, Deputy Mayor of Nysa. “A company that started in the proverbial garage has become the pride of our town. This titan of business is constantly growing and exploring new opportunities.”

In Opole, Ladrob will conduct R&D and production activities connected with making feeds and preparations for farm animals. The microcompany with Polish capital will incur capital expenditure of at least PLN 1.1 million and employ three new people.

A second company has decided to invest in Leszno, Wielkopolskie Province. Robinsons Polska, a British company specializing in metal processing services, will build a plant where gates, barriers and other steel constructions will be made. The investor has undertaken to spend PLN 1.5 million and hire at least eight people.

“Each new permit that we issue makes us happy. Eight new tenants have joined us, while another eight companies have decided to expand their existing facilities. It confirms that they feel good in the zone and are going to further develop,” said Maciej Badora, President of the Wałbrzych SEZ.

The Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” is currently the largest of 14 SEZs functioning in Poland. It covers 3,344 ha of land in 49 subzones. 190 companies are conducting business activity within the zone. They have invested almost PLN 22 billion and employ almost 45,000 people.

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ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
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