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An invitation to a limited written tender scheduled on 21.04.2020 – Boleslawiec

The Manager of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” informs that on April 21, 2020, were completed works of the commission for a limited written tender, which was scheduled for April 21, 2020 and aimed at selecting an entrepreneur who will acquire an undeveloped property with a total area of ​​1,0252 ha, consisting of plots No. 67/36  with area of 0,9471 ha (arable land RIVa) and No. 67/57 with area of 0,0781 ha (arable land RIVa), located in the Dolnośląskie Voivodship, Bolesławiecki Poviat, Bolesławiec Municipality, registration unit 020101_1 Bolesławiec, precinct 0004, in the Bolesławiec Subzone of Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK”, owned by the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd, for which the District Court in Bolesławiec Vth Department of Land and Mortgage Registers keeps a land and mortgage register No. JG1B/00041704/4, hereinafter referred to as the “Real Property.

One offer was submitted for the tender.

The offer was submitted by company METATECH GROUP sp. z o.o. spółka komandytowa, address, 20a, Dębowa street,  59-700 Kruszyn.


On May 14, 2020, the Supervisory Board of the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd, after considering the request of the Board of the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd, on the acceptance of the tender result, by Resolution 1945 / IX / 20 dated on May 14,2020, agreed to sell the real property to company METATECH GROUP sp. z o.o. spółka komandytowa, address, 20a, Dębowa street,  59-700 Kruszyn.


ul. Uczniowska 16, 58-306 Wałbrzych
Tel. 74 664 91 64
Strona www: invest-park.com.pl

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