WALBRZYCH SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE “INVEST-PARK” Ltd with its seat in Wałbrzych, 58 – 306 Wałbrzych, Uczniowska 16 Street, Phone: (+48 74) 664-91-64; e-mail:
as Manager of the Walbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” announces an invitation to a limited written tender aimed at selecting an entrepreneur who will acquire a real property, defined in point 2 below (in a framework of sale agreement).
- The tender is limited only to entrepreneurs intending to conduct on real property production or service activities, allowed by provisions of local spatial development plan mentioned in point 6 below.
- The real property covered by tender includes an undeveloped property with a total area of 2.4232 ha, consisting of plots of land: No. 35/4 (ŁIII permanent meadows) with an area of 0.7454 ha, No. 38/2 (land under the ditches W) with an area of 0.0517 ha, No. 39/4 (permanent meadows ŁIII, ŁIV) with an area of 1.6261 ha, located in the Dolnośląskie Voivodeship, Dzierżoniów County, City Dzierżoniów Commune, registration unit 020202_1, Dzierżoniów, registration precinct 0005, ZACHÓD, in Dzierżoniów City, in Dzierżoniów Subzone of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK”, owned by the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd, hereinafter “Real Property“.
- Opening bid price for Real Property has been specified in amount of PLN 2,000,000.00 (say: two million thousand zlotys and 00/100). The price is a net price. VAT will be added to price at rate applicable on date of payment of price.
- Condition to participate in tender is a purchase from WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd Specification No. 551 and payment of tender deposit.
- Tender deposit amounts to 10% of opening bid price of Real Property, i.e. PLN 200,000.00 (say: two hundred thousand zlotys and 00/100) must be paid by November 29th, 2021 to bank account of WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd PKO BP S.A. O/Wałbrzych no. 23 1020 5095 0000 5202 0007 4138. Day of payment of tender deposit shall be day on which tender deposit is accounted against bank account of WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd. Proof copy payment of tender deposit must be attached to offer.
- According to local spatial development plan for the area in the western part of Dzierżoniów, approved by the Resolution of the City Council of Dzierżoniów No. XLIV / 425/06 of October 23th, 2006. The Real Property is located in the area marked with the symbol P2: industrial development, warehouses and warehouses.
- Real Property has direct access to public road – Strefowa Street.
- Section III – Rights, claims and limitations of the land register no. SW1D / 00048793/5 does not contain any entries.
- Real Property is not covered by a simplified forest management plan or the decision referred to in Art. 19 paragraph 3 of the Forest Act of September 28, 1991 (consolidated text, Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1275).
- Real Property is not located in the revitalization area or in the Special Revitalization Zone referred to in Art. 8 and art. 25 of the Act of 9 October 2015 on revitalization (consolidated text, Journal of Laws of 2021, item 485).
- On Real Property are no stagnant waters in administration of PGW Polish Waters and inland flowing waters within meaning of the Act of 20 July 2017 Water Law (uniform text in Journal of Laws of 2021, item 624, as amended).
- Real Property is agricultural and is protected under the law. The implementation of the investment on the Real Property in question requires the administrative procedure of excluding the land from agricultural production before obtaining a building permit and is associated with the payment of the related fee, in accordance with the Act of February 3, 1995 on the protection of agricultural and forest land (consolidated text, Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1326).
- Specification, which contains detailed conditions of tender, can be obtained every day – except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays – between 800-1500 at seat of WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd (58-306 Wałbrzych, 16 Uczniowska Street), after payment of PLN 12,300.00 (in words: twelve thousand three hundred zlotys and 00/100), gross (VAT included) – to bank account of WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd PKO BP S.A. O/Wałbrzych no. 23 1020 5095 0000 5202 0007 4138. No additional tender conditions are anticipated, except for those described in this invitation and in specification.
- Written offers should be submitted in closed envelopes at seat of WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd (58-306 Wałbrzych, Uczniowska 16 Street) by November 29th, 2021 until 300 p.m. Manner of preparing offers is defined in Specification No. 551.
- Offers will be opened at seat of WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd on November 30th, 2021 at 1000 a.m.
- WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Manager may cancel tender, complete tender with negative result, close tender without selecting of offer or invalidate tender. WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Manger will inform all offerors at same time, in writing, about invalidation of procedure, giving factual and legal reasons therefore.
- Regarding Real Property pre-emption right is entitled to City Dzierżoniów Commune, according to Article 109 (1) point 1 of Real Estate Management Act of August 21st, 1997 (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2021, Item 1899, as amended).
- Following may not participate in tender as:
- members of management board of WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd and its supervisory board,
- economic entity conducting tender and members of its authorities and supervisory board,
- persons entrusted with carrying out activities related to tender,
- spouse, children, parents and siblings of person referred to in items a-c,
- persons who remain with person referred to in items a-c in such a legal or actual relationship that they can this raises reasonable doubts as to impartiality of bidder or auctioneer.
- Content of following invitation in Polish and English version is published on web side of WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd: www.invest-park.com.pl in section Announcements – Tenders / Orders.